Marriage Proposal To Job Offers: Beyonce Lookalike Feels Blessed To Be Compared With Ace Singer
Marriage Proposal To Job Offers: Beyonce Lookalike Feels Blessed To Be Compared With Ace Singer
Juliana revealed that she only noticed the resemblance when she began posting on social media in 2019.

Doppelganger, a person who is almost identical to another, is something we have often heard about. Time and again, we have often come across identical people. The resemblance of such identical persons is so much similar that they often become the talk of the town. Photos are shared, memes are curated and some even try to cash in the opportunity, if their appearance is comparable to any famous personality.

Juliana Machado Sotinho, a woman from Brazil, who is Beyonce’s look alike, stated that she has received several marriage proposals and has even bagged job offers just because she looks like the singer, as per a report in the New York Post. “When people see me, they immediately comment that I look like the singer. Most of them are surprised by the extent of the resemblance,” the 35-year-old said as quoted by the news outlet.

Sotinho further stated, “People always say, ‘Wow, did you know that you look like Beyonce. Girl, you are a lucky person, you remind me a lot of Queen B.” She added that she only noticed the resemblance when she began posting on social media in 2019.

Check Her Post Here:

A post shared by Juliana Machado (@negraestylosa)

Since then, Juliana has received unwanted attention from several men. She said that she received five marriage proposals. “People know I’m married because I always show what my life is like on social media, but I’ve already received offers to spend a night with me,” Sotinho asserted.

Sotinho stated she received hundreds of TikTok comments after swapping her brown hair for a blond wig. “I was always a brunette, but when I decided to change that, I realised that I was reminding people of her a lot. I remind people a lot of Beyonce; and her sister Solange – my audience is very divided,” she further added.

Sotinho decided to capitalise on the parallels by impersonating the singer, which earned her 1,42,000 followers on TikTok and Instagram, as well as various business collaborations to promote products. The social media influencer also named her youngest child Giselle, which is Beyonce’s middle name. “Who doesn’t like being compared to the diva of divas? I feel like the luckiest and most blessed woman alive,” she remarked.

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