Turtle 'Running' In This Video Reminds Internet Of Fast & Furious
Turtle 'Running' In This Video Reminds Internet Of Fast & Furious
Reacting to the viral video, an Instagram user said, "That’s a Ninja turtle right there."

We have all been guilty of conjuring up images in our minds without actually experiencing the real deal. The mind’s eye paints vivid pictures, and even if we haven’t laid eyes, hands or paws on certain things, we conjure up a mental image of how they might appear or feel. But what if our mental movie reel was full of inaccuracies this whole time? Because the internet just witnessed a turtle running at full speed and it turns out we might have been living in a world where turtles are secret speedsters, and we just never knew.

The social media explosion began when a video surfaced on Instagram, leaving users questioning their understanding of the animal kingdom. The caption simply read, “Did I see a turtle at full speed?”

A post shared by Pubity (@pubity)

The video quickly went viral, amassing more than 3 million views within a short span. The comment section, as always, became a virtual playground of theories and speculations about the newfound revelation of turtle athleticism. Some users admitted to being completely unaware of the turtles’ hidden superpowers, while others couldn’t resist bringing up the classic tale of the Hare and the Tortoise.

One witty user suggested, “Turtle’s been training for his next race with the rabbit.” It seems our shelled friends might be gearing up for a sequel to Aesop’s famous fable, and this time, they’re aiming for the gold.

Another user, clearly taken aback by the unexpected speed, wrote, “Imagine they hella fast and they just been hiding it this whole time.”

Then there was the insightful observer who exclaimed, “That’s a Ninja turtle right there.”

Meanwhile, a user succinctly captured the sentiment with the phrase, “That changes everything from the turtle and the hare story.”

However, before we delve too deep into the turtle conspiracy theories, a crucial correction needs to be made. It seems that in our excitement, we may have blurred the line between tortoises and turtles. The iconic tale of the Hare and the Tortoise involved a tortoise, not a turtle. The distinction between the two lies in their preferred habitats – tortoises dwell on land, while turtles are aquatic creatures.

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