Employeespeak: We will not bail out on Satyam
Employeespeak: We will not bail out on Satyam
What are the employees really going through at Satyam computer services?

INDIWO continues the series, THE CAREER FILES, where we ask professionals from all walks of life to share their experiences at the workplace. But this time we decided to delve a little deeper, going into the office of Satyam Computer Services Ltd!

We spoke to two employees from Satyam for the real scoop - What are employees really going through post the scam? Have they lost faith in Satyam? How will they manage financially?

Name: Kartika Gupta ( Name changed to protect identity)

Age: 28 years

Designation: Business Analyst

Tenure: Three and a half years

On getting a break in Satyam

I got this job through campus placements. I was extremely thrilled to be working for the fourth largest IT firm in India. Plus, the job profile was exactly what I wanted. I couldn't ask for more. It was truly my big break!


On Satyam work culture

Satyam is not the best paymaster when you compare with Infosys or Wipro but the work culture is simply awesome. In big companies with too many employees, an individual tends to get lost or lose his identity but this never happens in Satyam.

The management somehow recognises potential in employees and taps it. They provide you with endless opportunities to harness your skill. I love that about this place.

Post the scam...

Did I feel cheated?

I was definitely disturbed after hearing about Ramalinga Raju's confession and the mismanagement. However, I didn't lose all hope. I did not think of putting in my papers.

Also, I can say with confidence that the employees definitely did not feel as cheated as the shareholders.

I have a career at Satyam. Whatever I have learnt is from my experiences and training here. The team I work with and my job responsibilities have enriched me as a person. I stayed with this company for three and a half years. There has got to be a reason for that, don't you think?


Is my job secure / salary assured?

Satyam is going through a difficult phase but it's not the end. We are still getting projects, which is a good sign.

Our management has been very supportive. There is a level of trust between management and employees, so we can actually approach our seniors if we have any doubts or insecurities about our jobs. As of now, I do not fear losing my job. Hence, I am not job hunting.

As for salaries, Satyam has made provision for the month of January. However, we are not certain about salaries in February. We are hoping things get better by then with the new government- appointed board.

Yes, it will be a little difficult for those of us who have taken loans. But if I do not get paid for the next two months, I have my savings to fall back on.


Name: Prakash Somani (Name changed to protect identity)

Age: 32 years

Designation: Business Analyst

Tenure: 8 months

On getting a break in Satyam

This job was my reward for a very long job hunt. I was rather picky about the company I joined but when I got through the interview at Satyam I had no doubts.

Satyam is a big name and made me an offer far better than most other companies I had applied to at the time.


On Satyam work culture

Satyam is like one big family. I know so many people here who have become friends more than colleagues. And it's not just because I am a friendly person. It has been quite different in other companies I have worked with.

There is a lot of freedom in the work environment. People can bring their ideas to the table regardless of their seniority.

Post the scam...

Did I feel cheated?

When I first heard the news, I felt let down. But at that time, there were also a lot of rumours floating around which made the whole situation worse. For a while, we were unable to work and the scam was all we could talk about.

Now that the management has spoken to the employees, things are a lot more different. We have a sense of assurance from the government of better corporate governance with the new board.

One man built a massive empire like Satyam, I'm sure that 53,000 employees can regain its investors' trust.


Is my job secure / salary assured?

I don't believe is in danger right now. Yes, if things go downhill from here, we might have to start looking for jobs elsewhere. But Satyam is family and you don't bail out on family in hard times. Also, I have faith that Satyam will be back on its feet soon.

Salaries are a bit of an issue right now, especially those who live from paycheck to paycheck. I am definitely worried about having to take a pay hit. So right now, I am working on some side businesses that I set up some time ago. It works as alternative income.

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