Everything You Need to Know About the Hermit Tarot Card
Everything You Need to Know About the Hermit Tarot Card
You’ve recently seen the Hermit card come up in a tarot spread, but is that a good thing or a bad thing? The Hermit is most commonly associated with themes of self-reflection, introspection, spiritual awakening or enlightenment, and undergoing a period of soul-searching in your life. This card is all about learning, inviting you to discover what you truly want from life! Read on for a complete overview of the Hermit tarot card, including its Upright and Reversed (upside down) meanings for your love life, career, spirituality, and more.
Things You Should Know
  • The Upright Hermit card symbolizes contemplation, spiritual enlightenment, the search for self, solitude, soul-searching, and reflection.
  • The Reversed Hermit card represents loneliness, rejection, withdrawal, paranoia, restriction, isolation, and feeling paralyzed by fear.
  • The Hermit tarot card shows an old man on a mountain. The old man represents a path of self-discovery, and the peak depicts his success and development.

The Hermit Tarot Card Upright & Reversed Meanings

The Upright Hermit signifies introspection, self-reflection, and solitude. The Hermit is a sign that you may need to be alone right now; reflection and contemplation may help you find your inner voice. You may also be entering a period of spiritual enlightenment or soul-searching. Disconnecting from the bustle of daily life may help you find this clarity or help you recover from a difficult situation. You may also just feel a little more reclusive and reluctant to socialize right now. Regardless, the Hermit suggests that it's time to prioritize yourself and focus on your needs. Common keywords: Soul-searching, inner guidance, spiritual enlightenment, contemplation, search for self, and solitude Element: Earth Planet: Mercury (and sometimes Saturn) Star sign: Virgo

The Hermit Reversed symbolizes loneliness, isolation, and rejection. While there’s nothing wrong with needing to be alone, the Reversed Hermit is a sign that you’re a little too withdrawn right now, and that it’s time to return to the world and reconnect with the people you care about. It’s important to make time for contemplation and soul-searching, but the Hermit encourages this in moderation; it’s just as critical to maintain your ties to the outside world and move forward with your life. Common keywords: Isolation, anti-social, rejection, paranoia, withdrawal, loneliness, restriction, and feeling paralyzed by fear. The Reversed Hermit could also be a sign that you’re feeling shy or nervous about social situations right now and might be afraid to put yourself out there. Alternatively, the Reversed Hermit can indicate that you’re avoiding self-reflection, possibly because you’re afraid of what you might discover upon taking a closer look at yourself.

The Hermit Tarot Card Yes/No Meaning

In a Yes/No tarot reading, the Hermit is usually a “No.” Typically, if you’re asking a "yes or no" question and find yourself pulling the Hermit, the card is probably telling you to stop or reconsider whatever you’re thinking of. Because the Hermit represents contemplation, you can usually interpret it as a suggestion to slow down and look within yourself—or do some more preparation before you can get what you want. However, if you’re specifically asking the cards if you should seek spiritual guidance or focus more on yourself, that’s when the Hermit represents a firm “Yes.” After all, enlightenment and reflection are what the Hermit is all about. The Hermit can be a sign that a mentor is about to enter your life, which is why the card always represents “Yes” when you’re wondering if you might need guidance.

The Hermit Card in Love

Upright When you do a love tarot spread and see the Upright Hermit, it may be a sign that you need time before diving into a strong, committed relationship with someone. Remember: taking some time to be alone can help you find a love that’s truly right for you! Alternatively, the Hermit may encourage you and a partner to do some soul-searching together and figure out exactly what you want from the relationship and what could change to make it even stronger. If you’re single: The Hermit represents emerging from a period of loneliness. You may have needed time alone to cope with heartbreak or a bad breakup—but, according to the Hermit, you’re finally ready to move forward. If you’re in a relationship: The Hermit encourages you to try and connect with your partner more. You may be too focused on yourself right now, so make an effort to spend more quality time with the person you love.

Reversed When it comes to love, the Reversed Hermit is similar to its Upright counterpart; it signifies a period of loneliness, usually imposed by others. In other words, you didn’t choose to be alone. This may be the case regardless of relationship status; you may be single or feel alone even though you have a partner. However, the Hermit is a reminder that no matter how much you want this period of time to end, you can still make the most of it. Use this time to figure out what you want from a relationship and a partner to create a brighter romantic future for yourself. If you’re single: You may feel like you’ve missed your chance to meet someone special or fear meeting new people. However, the Hermit is also a sign that it’s time to overcome your fears and put yourself out there. If you’ve recently broken up with someone, the Reversed Hermit may also signify that you want to get back together with them. If you’re in a relationship: You may feel alienated, rejected by your partner, or feel like they have no time to connect with you, which is why you may be lonely even though you’re in a relationship. Alternatively, the Reversed Hermit could indicate that one of you is withdrawing from the relationship while the other is still clinging to it.

The Hermit Card in Careers

Upright The Upright Hermit signifies that you’re currently in the process of figuring out what you really want from a career—and, according to the card, that’s a good thing. You may feel unfulfilled right now, as though your current career path doesn't really suit you. The Hermit emphasizes the importance of understanding what kind of career would bring you real joy. In other words, it encourages you to find your true purpose in life. Tip: Try asking yourself what would make you feel most fulfilled if you could do anything for a living. The Hermit serves as a gentle reminder that a career built only on your desire for money or financial stability may not be enough to satisfy you.

Reversed The Hermit Reversed symbolizes that a period of introspection about your profession is coming to an end. After reflection and solitude, you may feel ready to rejoin society with a clearer idea of your ideal career path and goals. This may also signify that it’s time to make significant changes in your career, whether that means looking for a new job, taking classes to learn new skills, or finding a mentor to help you excel in your chosen field. Tip: Get plenty of support from your social circle during this time, especially if you’re planning a significant career change. You may be used to doing things on your own (since the Hermit represents isolation), but isolation usually leads to loneliness. This means it’s important to stay in touch with your friends, spend time with them, and collaborate more with coworkers to build those working relationships.

The Hermit Card in Finance

Upright The Upright Hermit serves as a hint that now is the time to focus less on material goods and wealth. Money may not be the thing that brings you happiness currently, so when you see the Hermit in a financial spread, it’s a signal from the universe to put more effort into understanding what will make you happy and fulfilled in life, whatever that may be. Tip: Use meditation and contemplation to brainstorm your core values and the activities in life that make you truly happy. Then, dedicate more time and energy toward those things. For example, you may discover a hobby (like playing a musical instrument, knitting, or biking) that brings you true happiness, so the Hermit would encourage you to pursue that hobby. Even though some hobbies can cost money, you’d still be focused more on your enjoyment of the activity than gaining material wealth for the sake of it, which is what the Hermit is really concerned about.

Reversed Finding the Reversed Hermit signifies that seeking financial advice from others may be a good idea, especially before making an important financial decision. You may also have just ended a period of reflection or contemplation on what money really means to you, and the Hermit Reversed indicates that you’re ready to use your newfound insights to create a better financial situation (and relationship with material wealth) for yourself. Tip: Consider turning to someone older and wiser than yourself with more experience handling money for financial advice—someone you absolutely trust. Otherwise, if you need advice from a professional, consider talking to a financial advisor.

The Hermit Card in Health

Upright When it comes to health and wellness, the Upright Hermit is a gentle reminder not to push yourself too hard because overextending yourself can lead to health issues. You may find yourself feeling too rushed, or like you never have time to sit down or get some rest. That’s where the Hermit comes in: to remind you that rest and self-care are vital to maintaining your health. Tip: Take breaks throughout your day. Even spending just a few minutes every so often to center yourself, take deep breaths, or meditate can help you feel healthier and more relaxed.

Reversed Where the Upright Hermit is a gentle reminder not to overextend yourself, the Reversed Hermit is a more insistent warning that you need to take time for yourself to relax and rest. It signifies that your health (either physical, mental, or both) may be affected otherwise. In some cases, the Reversed Hermit may also indicate mental health issues like agoraphobia or paranoia. Tip: Make time for self-care in your daily schedule. Block out periods for meditation, hobbies, cooking healthy meals, or a little “me time.” When you make a schedule and specifically plan for self-care, it may be easier to incorporate into your life.

The Hermit Card in Spirituality

Upright The Upright Hermit is a sign that it’s the ideal time to explore spiritual activities such as self-reflection, psychic development, or connecting to your spirit guides. You may feel the need for a little more solitude during this time, but that’s okay; give yourself some alone time and use it to get more in touch with your inner guidance (or, in other words, your intuition). Tip: Meditation is a great way to find your inner voice or guidance and concentrate on quieting your mind so you can hear it more clearly. Try meditating during this period of solitude and spiritual growth.

Reversed In a spiritual context, the Hermit Reversed indicates that you may be spending too much time by yourself. This card is a sign that you’ll actually find the most spiritual growth among other people and group activities. Solo spiritual work can absolutely be helpful, but if that’s all you’ve been doing lately, the Hermit Reversed may decide it’s time to use your spiritual beliefs to connect with other people, too. Tip: Consider taking a meditation or yoga class, participating in a tarot reading circle, attending religious services (if you believe in a particular religion), or going to a reiki exchange. All are spiritual activities that let you engage with others.

The Hermit Tarot Card Appearance & Symbolism

The Hermit card depicts an old man alone at the peak of a mountain. The mountain represents development and success, while the Hermit himself (the old man) symbolizes the spiritual knowledge he’s gained. The Hermit has chosen a path of self-discovery and is prepared to share his knowledge with the rest of the world. He holds a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other; the lantern has a 6-point star known as the Seal of Solomon, representing wisdom, while the staff signifies the hermit’s authority and power. The Hermit’s lamp is also intended to light his way, but it never reveals the full path—only the next few steps. Thus, the lantern symbolizes the Hermit’s journey toward enlightenment, knowing that not everything will be revealed immediately.

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