How to Attract an Aries Man As a Capricorn Woman
How to Attract an Aries Man As a Capricorn Woman
If you're an earthy Capricorn woman who wants to lock down a fiery Aries man, rest assured that sparks will fly. You're talking about the Goat meeting the Ram—as in nature, you have a tendency to lock horns. But you're also not one to back down from a challenge, are you? Lucky for you, neither is he! Read on to discover all the best tips and tricks you can use to grab and hold the attention of that spirited Aries.

Exude strength and confidence.

Rams tend to be attracted to confident women who hold their own. Luckily, confidence comes easy to you as a serious, hard-working Capricorn. You've done your homework and you know what it takes to jump to the head of the pack. He'll admire your tenacity and endurance. Stand tall and make eye contact when you talk to him. He'll recognize the confidence in your posture. When it comes to approaching him, don't be shy! Stride right over and engage him in conversation—he'll appreciate your boldness.

Talk about your goals and ambitions.

Aries and Capricorn are two of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac. He'll definitely feel like he's found his match when he realizes you're just as ambitious as he is. It's advantageous if you have different interests, though, so you aren't directly competing with each other. You might tell him about your 5- or 10-year plans to advance in your chosen field. If you've spearheaded any projects recently, you might brag about those as well. If you're still in school, you might tell him about your plans after graduation.

Show off your smarts and your quick wit.

The smart Aries man is always looking for his intellectual match. Capricorn ladies are known for their quick wit, and your Aries guy will certainly be impressed when he sees it in action. Don't be afraid to let your knowledge shine, either—this is one guy you definitely don't have to dumb yourself down for. Aries guys love to learn and experience new things, so he'll be thrilled if you drop a little-known fact about the history of the local coffee shop or talk about the science behind brewing coffee.

Introduce him to your offbeat interests.

An Aries guy enjoys exploring things off the beaten path. This is where you just might hook him, Capricorn. Everybody sees you as traditional and strait-laced, but you also secretly nurture a few weird interests. Maybe you have a thing for that odd experimental band or go wild for sand painting. You'll surprise your Ram and give him something new to experience, which he always enjoys.

Challenge him to a game of strategy.

A good board game helps you both indulge your competitive streak. Aries guys typically love to get tactical, and you're both really competitive. Choose a game that requires a little thinking, like chess, and get ready for battle. Feel free to tease him and talk a little smack throughout the game. Aries guys love a little playful banter. Just make sure you can take it from him as well!

Turn the spotlight on him.

Rams love being the center of attention. As a Capricorn, you're likely more reserved, so you're happy to stand to the side. Throw him a genuine compliment and bask in his glow. He'll adore feeling as though he's the star of your show. Compliment him on things he does rather than just on his looks—he'll appreciate it a lot more. He'll also see that you're really focusing on him, which he loves. Expert Answer Q What does an Aries man like in a woman? Stina Garbis Stina Garbis Psychic Astrologer Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary. Stina Garbis EXPERT ADVICE Answer from Stina Garbis: Aries are into themselves. I wouldn’t advise becoming a competitor to Aries and trying to do everything that they do, but rather, be a spectator or do something to complement them. Be their favorite fan or collaborator and cheer them on and they will love and adore you.

Invite him to exercise or play sports with you.

The active Aries guy is always ready to work up a sweat. If you're looking for a workout partner, you can count on your Ram—he'll definitely push you to work your hardest. Or dare to play him one-on-one in your favorite sport if you want to get your competitive juices flowing. Be forewarned that an Aries always plays to win. Whatever sport you choose, he's not going to go easy on you—not that you'd have it any other way.

Leap into heated debates.

The typical Aries man will argue about anything under the sun. He might even take a contrary position just for the sake of argument, which can really frustrate you as a practical and grounded Capricorn. But you want to know a secret? He thinks it's hot when you get frustrated. This is a game he really enjoys, so don't take it too personally. Stay in your comfort zone by not bringing up any topics that are really controversial or that you feel passionate about. That way it won't bother you too much if he disagrees with you.

Show a willingness to compromise.

Both of you want to be on top, so something's got to give. Aries and Capricorn both like to lead and be in control. Carve out separate things that each of you can lead and be in control of and you'll make a great team. For example, if you're shopping for groceries together, you might put him in charge of meat while you get the produce. If you're deciding which restaurant to go to for dinner, you might give him a list of 3 places that you like. That way, even though he gets to choose, you can guarantee his choice will be one of your favorites.

Give him stability and structure.

Rams secretly crave the security that comes naturally to you. If you're a typical Capricorn, you leave nothing to chance. You have everything planned out and then you don't stray from that plan. Your Aries guy tends to be a bit more impulsive, but your planning gives him a base of security that makes his impulses less risky. Essentially, you set the parameters for him and then give him the freedom to act within those parameters. For example, if you're planning a date, you might choose the date and time and then let him decide what you're going to do. You also give him more freedom by making backup plans. Did his spur-of-the-moment romantic picnic gets rained out? That's okay—you made backup reservations at his favorite restaurant.

Let him take the lead from time to time.

An Aries guy tends to have a dominant nature and likes to be in charge. It's a funny thing about you when it comes to relationships. Though typically dominant in work and life, as soon as you start to catch feelings for someone, you become downright submissive, right? It's nothing to be embarrassed about—this is actually a pretty normal thing for Capricorn ladies in relationships. You're too independent to let him have complete control over your life, but that's fine with him—he doesn't want it. He has an independent streak as well and doesn't want a partner who relies on him to make every decision.

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