How to Know when a Gemini Man Is in Love
How to Know when a Gemini Man Is in Love
Having some trouble deciphering the two-sided Gemini’s feelings? Don’t worry—we’re here to help. These mercurial men are quick to change their minds and slow to commit, but they are also loyal to someone they truly care for. Read on for 12 signs that a Gemini man is in love.This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

He tries to impress you.

A Gemini guy wants you to see him in the best possible light. He might plan a fun date night or show up at your place looking extra suave. The time and attention he puts into showing you his best self means he’s invested in the relationship. If you notice him cracking jokes to make you laugh or trying to cheer you up when you’ve had a bad day, it’s because he’s into you and wants to make you happy.

He checks in on you.

You’ll know a Gemini cares if he calls or texts often. When this zodiac sign is enamored, he’ll make it a point to stay in constant contact. If you wake up to sweet messages or get calls throughout the day, you can bet that your guy is in it for the long haul. He’ll want to know everything about you, so don’t hesitate to open up and let your uniqueness shine.

He compliments you.

A Gemini is a master of words and won’t hesitate to tell you what he likes about you. If he compliments your eyes, your taste in music, or your mad skills in the kitchen, it means he’s really into you. Bask in his compliments and know that he’s falling for you. Feel free to compliment him right back! A Gemini loves to know what other people think is great about them.

He spends quality time with you.

Geminis often have packed schedules, but will make their lover a priority. With all the commitments and projects he’s got on his plate, it’s amazing he even has time to date! But if he truly cares for you, he’ll make it a point to fit quality time with you into his schedule. This air sign is spontaneous and loves to have fun, so don’t shy away from accepting last-minute invitations.

He is romantic and flirty.

Your Gemini guy will woo you with his charisma and charm. If he surprises you with flowers or other gifts, he’s got it bad. He won’t hesitate to show his gentlemanly side and sweep you off your feet when he’s in love. Be on the lookout for sweet nicknames, cute love notes, and plenty of affection.

He opens up to you.

A Gemini who shares his inner self is likely in love. This air sign loves to joke and laugh and tends to keep things light. If your Gemini man gets vulnerable with you and feels comfortable enough to share his softer side, it means he trusts you completely. Once he starts sharing secrets or stories about his family and childhood, you can bet that he’s fallen in love.

He wants to experience new things with you.

This curious sign can’t wait to try it all! If he includes you on his adventures and asks you to take a cooking class or try rock-climbing, go for it. That’s his way of showing you that he’s into you and wants to see how you react to a new challenge. Geminis love to enjoy the moment, so stay present and enjoy experiencing new things together.

He introduces you to his family and friends.

Things are getting serious if a Gemini invites you into his circle. It will probably take a while for a Gemini to ask you to dinner with his parents, but once he does, it means he’s smitten! It’s really important to a Gemini guy that his family approves of you, and he’ll want to be sure that you’re the one for him before taking this step. Make an effort to get his know his pals and have a good time with them to keep your Gemini hooked.

He only has eyes for you.

Geminis are notorious flirts until they've found the one. When a Gemini finds someone they truly care about, they’ll devote themselves completely to that person. If you and your guy are dating exclusively, it’s a safe bet that he loves you!

He might get a bit jealous.

Your Gemini guy won’t want to see you with anyone else. If he seems envious of your cute co-worker or longtime pal, it’s probably because he’s trying to stake his claim. Notice him talking himself up or trying to show you that he’s a better catch than someone else in your life? He's fallen for you.

He tells you how he feels.

Geminis are great communicators because they are ruled by Mercury. If your guy tells you how much he cares about you or says that he loves you, believe him! Those three little words are a big deal to a Gemini, and it might take him some time to say them to you, but once he does, know that you’ve captured his heart completely.

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