How to Make Wiccan Blessed Water
How to Make Wiccan Blessed Water
This water can be used to heal and bless people and objects. This is not for everyone, and Holy water can be made in many different ways.

Basic Blessed Water

Take your water and pour it into the bowl, hold your hands over the water and say, "I exorcise thee, oh creature of water, of all negativity both seen and unseen, and bless thee in the name of the divine goddess."

Take your salt and say, "I exorcise thee, oh creature of salt, of all negativity both seen and unseen, and bless thee in the name of the divine goddess."

Pour the salt into the water and stir three times clockwise.

Say, "I cleanse and consecrate this water in the name of the divine goddess, may this liquid enhance and purify all that it touches, so mote it be!"

Lunar Water

Take a bowl and add water to it. Rainwater, Spring water, or purified water is preferred.

Place it under the full moon's light. Leave it out all night, covering it with a cloth before the sun rises.

Bottle and place in a cupboard away from the sun. Use in divination and lunar rituals.

Solar Water

Take a bowl and add water. Rain, Spring or purified is preferred. Tap water will work, many chose more 'natural' sources.

At sunrise, place the bowl in the window or outside. Be sure it's in an area where it will catch the sun's rays.

Retrieve the bowl before the moon rises. As with the Lunar Water, we do not want to have two different energies touching the water. It is to be charged with one.

Place in a bottle and store away from moonlight. Use in healings and solar rituals.

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