What Does “Tradie” Mean in a Relationship? Definition & Dating Tips
What Does “Tradie” Mean in a Relationship? Definition & Dating Tips
You’ve probably seen TikTok videos of what it’s like dating a “tradie,” but what exactly does that entail? And what the heck is a “tradie?” This Australian slang word refers to a tradesman, or a skilled manual laborer in a trade like carpentry, electricity, and plumbing, and they’re known for having one of the busiest work schedules. In this article, we’ll explain what it’s like to be in a relationship with a tradie, plus provide helpful tips to support your partner!
Things You Should Know
  • A “tradie” is the Australian slang term for tradesman, or a skilled manual laborer in a specific trade like carpentry, plumbing, and/or electricity.
  • Tradies are usually experts in flirty banter, and if your loved ones know you're dating one, they might ask if your partner can fix something for them.
  • Since dating a tradie can get lonely sometimes, schedule a weekly date night to bond as a couple and communicate your needs if you’re feeling neglected.

What is a tradie?

A “tradie” is the Australian slang word for “tradesman.” In Australia, a tradie is a skilled manual laborer in a specific craft or trade, such as a carpenter, electrician, or plumber. They’re one of the most sought after careers because they’re always in demand and don’t require a uni degree. Most tradies complete an apprenticeship in 3-4 years, where they study and work simultaneously, but the more skills they learn, the higher they potentially earn. Many tradies are self employed or run their own small business, so they can choose what projects they work on. People are usually attracted to tradies because they work with their hands in blue collar jobs, and they’re a little rough around the edges. In fact, the most popular trades for dating apps are electricians, builders, plumbers, and gardeners.

What’s it like dating a tradie?

They’ll probably be an expert in flirty banter. If you’re dating a tradie, prepare yourself for a lifetime of witty and charming conversations. Tradies are known to have a great sense of humor, and since they chat with clients all day long, they know how to socialize and read the room. You won’t have to worry about running out of things to say, and they’ll probably bring lots of joy and laughter into your life! Talking to a tradie? Work on your wit to have a fun and flirty conversation. Feel free to tease them in a playful way or crack a few jokes about their personality. If you really want to impress a tradie, incorporate their lingo! Ask them to “blow the froth off a few” if you want to go out for a drink, or use “you’re flat out” to express he’s super busy.

They’ll point out every project they’ve ever worked on. "I installed the windows in that business. I built the deck for that house. I wired the lights in that station." If you’re ever driving with your tradie partner, expect to arrive at your destination later than the ETA. They’ll probably drive extra slow so they can admire their work…and tell you all about it. While this can be annoying at times, try to be patient and supportive—they’re proud of their accomplishments and want to share them with you. When your partner brings up work, actively listen to them to express interest in their life. Ask them open-ended questions about a specific project, nod along to what their saying, and stay off your phone while they’re talking to you.

They’ll wake up and go to sleep super early. Dating a tradie is like dating a personal trainer—they wake up early every single day and rarely take days off. Depending on your partner’s projects, they might wake up as early as 4:30 AM, and they’ll probably head to bed right after dinner. They’ll most likely stick to this schedule on the weekends because they’re used to it, which means you’ll have to adjust your sleep schedule to spend more time together. If you’re a light sleeper, expect their wake-up time to become your new wake-up time, too. Struggling to wake up early? Gradually set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than usual until you hit your goal wake-up time, and create a nighttime routine to help your mind prepare for sleep—drink warm tea, listen to classical music, and put electronics away an hour before bedtime.

Their car will probably be covered in dirt and mud. If you’re dating a tradie, expect the inside of your partner’s car to be a little messy due to work. Tradework is physically demanding (and often dangerous), and many tradies are expected to work in extreme weather conditions. There might be mud on the floor mats, dirt smears all over the interior, or sawdust everywhere. While it might look a little unsightly sometimes, think of it as a byproduct of your partner’s passion. Want to win partner of the year? Surprise them by cleaning their car over the weekend! Wash the floor mats, vacuum the interior, and sanitize the dashboard and console with car wipes.

You might see random screws and drill bits in the washer. When doing your tradie’s laundry, prepare to find a bunch of bits and bobs at the bottom of your washer—chalk, nails, nuts, bolts, and maybe even a $20 bill (or two). They probably forgot to take everything out of their pockets before tossing their clothes in the hamper, so you’ll see remnants of their work while you’re doing household chores. Tradies are also notorious for having holes and concrete all over their socks, so if you want to be more thoughtful, surprise them with a fresh pair or a jumbo pack!

Friends and family will always ask you if they can fix something. If your loved ones know you’re dating a tradie, they’ll probably reach out to you if something stops working in their house. Whether their shower is leaking or their lights won’t turn on, you’ll be the first person they call—even if your partner isn’t qualified to do the work they need help with. Loved ones might ask them to fix it regardless or see if they know anyone who can for a reasonable rate. If your loved ones keep hassling you for help, tell them to contact your partner directly to set boundaries. For instance, you could respond to their request with: “Sorry, I don’t know what their schedule looks like, but here’s their number if you want to reach out to them.”

You might get a little lonely in your relationship. Since tradies leave for work early in the morning and get home absolutely exhausted, it can be challenging to spend quality time together. They might stay out late because a project took longer than expected, or they might have to travel to a different city for work. This can interfere with plans you’ve made and make it hard to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship. Before dating a tradie, ask them about their values and obligations so you’re aware of their level of commitment. Figure out your priorities and what you’re willing to compromise on, then make a list of the “pros” and “cons” of dating them to help you decide whether it’s worth being in a relationship.

How to Support Your Tradie Partner

Schedule a weekly date night to bond as a couple. Whether it’s attending a workout class together, going on a scenic walk, or enjoying a picnic on the beach, plan a fun date that aligns with your partner’s hobbies and interests. Choosing an activity they love communicates you care about them, and it can help them relieve stress from their busy schedule. If you’re not spending quality time with your partner, it can take a toll on your relationship. Even if they’re out of town, make it a priority to speak to them on the phone for 30 minutes or set up a virtual date to keep the spark alive.

Be honest about your emotions if you’re feeling lonely. If you’re seeing less of your partner or they’re not fully present when they’re with you, let them know so you can tackle any issues as a team. By discussing your feelings and concerns, you can come to a compromise that works for the both of you and build a healthy relationship. For example, if your only form of “quality time” is watching TV, you could suggest different ideas to switch up your routine—you could make dinner together, walk around your neighborhood, or play a game of truth or dare!

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