How To
How to Buy Local Food
Eating locally produced food has many benefits, ranging from quality and freshness to a smaller carbon footprint. You can buy food directly from local producers by visiting your farmers’ market, joining a CSA, or buying directly from a local farm. You can...
How to Buy Disney Florida Resident Tickets
Do you live in Florida and want to go to Disney World? Well, you’re in luck because you can get discounted tickets as a Florida resident! Getting a Disney Florida Resident ticket takes a few extra steps, as you’ll need to select a specific option while bu...
How to Get Your Child to Obey You
All parents struggle with disobedient kids at some point, so don’t feel like you’re alone. Start by ensuring your rules are clear and specific. Warn your kids what will happen if they disobey and, if necessary, impose immediate consequences that relate to...
How to Account for Goodwill
Goodwill is a type of intangible asset that may arise when a company acquires another company entirely. Because acquisitions are designed to increase the value of the combined firm, the purchase price paid often exceeds the book value of the acquired comp...
How to Fold Paper Flowers
Being able to make beautiful art with scrap paper is one of the benefits to knowing origami. But even if you've never even folded a paper crane, by following some simple instructions and using the right kind of paper, you could fold your own paper flower...
How to Make a Complaint About a Landlord
Renting a home has its advantages, including the fact that tenants are not responsible for major repairs. However, not all landlords are created equal. If there is a problem with your rental property, and you have attempted to work things out with your la...
How to Buy and Sell Currency
Today’s market allows average investors to buy and sell different types of world currencies. Most of these trades are done are through the Forex – an online foreign exchange market -- which is open for business 5 days per week, 24 hours per day. With enou...
3 Ways to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook
This wikiHow teaches you how to change your Facebook profile picture using both the Facebook mobile app and the Facebook website. If you'd rather use a profile picture for a limited amount of time, consider setting a temporary profile picture.
How to Download Purchased iPhone or iPad Apps With iCloud
This wikiHow teaches you how to download a previously purchased app that you deleted on your iPhone or iPad. You can do this from within the included App Store app.
How to Take Care of a Newborn
So you've brought home your little bundle of joy -- now what? Though taking care of your newborn can be one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your life, you may feel at a loss for what to do and will need to give your child constant attenti...
2 Easy Ways to Video Chat With Friends on Facebook
Ready to take your Facebook chatting experience to the next level? This wikiHow will teach you how to video chat on Facebook. You can video chat with your friends on Facebook for free using either the Facebook website or the Messenger app. Video chatting...
How to Prevent Spring Allergies
For many allergy sufferers, spring allergies cause mild sneezing, itchy eyes, and even severe flu-like symptoms that can last for months. As early as the end of February in the Northern hemisphere, trees, grasses, and weeds release pollen into the air in...
Drawing the Eiffel Tower: Easy Step-by-Step Instructions
The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Paris, France. While it may seem like a complex piece of architecture to draw, you can easily sketch it out with a bit of practice. Drawing the Eiffel Tower from a straight-on view will be the...
How to Draw a Perfect Circle Using a Pin
Drawing a perfect circle freehand can be difficult and frustrating. While it’s easy to draw a perfect circle with a compass or a protractor, there’s still hope if you don’t have these tools on hand. With just a pin and some string, you can easily sketch a...
How to Make Banana Peel Tea
This tea is tastier than pills or black tea, and it doesn't need added sugar. Banana peel tea contains 5-HT and 5-HTP,[1] X Research source the latter being a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as metabolic interme...
How to Measure the pH of Water
Testing the pH of water tells you how acidic or basic the water is at the moment of testing. Pure, unpolluted water normally has a pH level of 7, which is neutral (neither acidic nor basic). The pH level of water can provide information on potential conta...