How To
How to Avoid Falling Too Hard for Someone
New relationships are fun, but they can also consume your life. You may find yourself thinking about your new love interest 24/7 and neglecting your other friends and interests. This can have a negative effect on your life and it may also cause the relati...
How to Stop Picking Your Lips
Do you have a bad habit of picking your lips? You're probably doing it because they're dry and chapped. Taking good care of your lips will keep them smooth and supple, so you won't feel the need to pick them anymore. By exfoliating your lips, keeping them...
How to Grow a Hyacinth Bulb in Water
Growing hyacinths in water (sometimes called forcing hyacinths) is a beautiful way to bring a touch of color and a gorgeous scent to your home. Although it's a somewhat lengthy process, growing the bulbs in water can help your hyacinth blooms last for wee...
How to Change Radiator Fluid
Your car’s radiator has the important job of regulating the temperature of your engine. It does this by cycling coolant through coolant lines that run along the engine and back into the radiator to dissipate the heat. This coolant can deteriorate over t...
How to Prevent Mascara from Smudging
Smudged mascara is one of the most common complaints in the beauty world. There's nothing worse than spending ages blending the perfect smokey eye makeup, with an exquisite cat-eye liner on top of it, only to see black dots across your upper lid when you...
How to Eat Nutella
Nutella is a tasty chocolate-hazelnut spread created in Italy in the 1940s by Mr. Pietro Ferrero. It did not take long for this sweet treat to sweep across the globe, and Nutella is now an international sensation. It is delicious right out of the jar, but...
How to Ignore Bullies You Can't Get Away From
Bullies are everywhere, and although there is an increasing number of programs and rules in place to prevent bullying, you are likely to run into a bully at some point. While walking away from someone who is bullying you is the best reaction, sometimes it...
How to Tell when a Guy Is Using You for Sex
Finding out a guy is using you for sex can be painful, but it's also the first step in leaving a toxic relationship behind and moving on to better things. If you think a guy you like is using you, there are some behaviors and patterns you can look out for...
How to Make Your Eyelashes Naturally Longer
If you’d like naturally longer, fuller lashes, it can be hard to figure out what products and lifestyle changes actually work. Thankfully, there are some natural ways you can promote lash growth and prevent breakage for longer, thicker lashes. Try incorpo...
How to Understand Social Studies
Social studies is a popular subject of study, which includes aspects of history, political science, and geography. One of its main goals is to teach students how to be civically-engaged members of society. However, because social studies includes so many...
How to One Inch Punch
Throwing a one-inch punch, a move made famous by Bruce Lee, will leave spectators in awe of your wiry strength. The one-inch punch uses fa jin (explosive power) to generate a tremendous amount of impact at an extremely close distance. It's important to ha...
How to Make an Egg Carton Caterpillar
Instead of throwing away an empty egg carton, why not turn it into a caterpillar? All you need are scissors, paint, pipe cleaners, and a little bit of imagination. You can even read books about caterpillars while crafting, and learn something new about th...
How to Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend
Sometimes great friends become great lovers. The thing is though, the other person has to feel the same way. You can't make that person want you in a more intimate way; there has to be a meeting of minds and desires. So, if you've had an epiphany and feel...
2 Ways to Alter the Size of Your Windows Desktop Taskbar
Is your Windows taskbar too big or too small? In Windows 10, you can easily increase or decrease the taskbar size with a simple drag. You can also change its position to the top or sides of the screen. While there was a registry hack that made it possible...
How to Safely Burn Candles
Candles add personality to your decor, establish an element of peace and serenity, and make your home smell great. While there are many benefits to burning candles, proper candle safety is important to prevent accidents or injuries. Candles should never b...
How to Know if a Cat Is a Stray
A stray cat has been socialized or domesticated at one time and has probably lived in a home with people most of its life. Many people mistake stray cats for feral cats, which have never been socialized with humans. Determining whether or not a cat is a...