Flouting Covid-19 norms, a massive mask-less crowd emerged at Thane market a day before celebrations for the 10-day Ganpati festival begins. Similar situation was seen at Mumbai’s Dadar market four days ago when people thronged the market for shopping for Ganesh Chaturthi. Reports said that both the customers and shopkeepers were seen without masks.
The Mumbai Police has formed a ‘Special 13’ squad that has been given the task to ensure that people follow Covid protocols during the festive season. But a local report said that no BMC marshal was deployed at the Dadar market to fine people. A police officer tried to disperse people and urged them to wear masks and maintain social distancing. The situation, however, came back to usual after some time after the departure of police officials at the market.
The Covid rules-flouting Mumbaikars have made India’s richest civic body richer by Rs 66 crore. The BMC said it fined 33,19,587 people over the last year and a half to collect the fine of Rs 667,838,000. Last year, BMC had announced a fine of Rs 200 each for failing to wear a mask in public places.
This comes even as Mumbai has seen sudden surge in Covid-19 cases, with the city recording over 500 cases on Wednesday, for the first time after July 15. Cases in Maharashtra, too, rose to 4,174, mainly due to the spurt in Mumbai and Nashik.
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Bengaluru too saw similar crowd with people emerging at city’s flower and fruit market. Authorities in Bengaluru had granted 3-day permission for public celebrations of the festival leading to huge crowds at markets and other public places.
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