It's already 60 years. Still, how many miles before we sleep?
From poor, developing to 'developed' nation. It’s already 60 years by the time we are ready to stand up to the world. Is 1947 a fateful year for the freedom we got now is unleashing the powers for corruption, terrorism, injustice and a very slow development?
Nations that have been given freedom are on the high and in a demanding situation. where as we are still in the receiving end from the world bank.What is wrong? judiciary? politicians? terrorism? Kashmir? unemployment? bad governance? lack of planning? brain drain? hunger? who and what is responsible?
When we could raise against all odds. Mumbikars travel unfearful the next day of the bomb blast, people helping tsunami hit areas in no time to rebuilt homes and hopes, people stand up to Jessica Lal’s case, people all over the states light lamps for the kargil divas, In no time the earth quake victims of gujrat get crores and crores. Indians are always together..so we have it in our blood to stand united.
But what is stopping us from growing further ? what is needed for the developed INDIA in 2020 ? Is superpower possible? Still how many miles before we sleep?
(Ashok Baskaran is a post-garduate in dental profession, working as senior lecturer at Ragas Dental college and Hospital, Chennai)
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