PALAKKAD: The atmosphere in the Malampuzha constituency from where Opposition Leader V S Achuthanandan was elected for three consecutive terms, seems to be calm in the backdrop of the Achuthanandan-Pinarayi spat and open rebellion by the former against the secretary of the party. There are no posters or graffiti in support of Achuthanandan in the constituency and there were no demonstrations.A secret meeting was, however, held at the house of a former president of the Pudussery panchayat and former area committee member on Sunday in which around 20 persons participated. The meeting has decided to stand by VS in case any action is taken against him. “Whether it is the lull before a storm would be known in the coming days. However, the CPM cadre are angry over contract killings and silencing the dissenting voices. Since the leaders have a lot of stake in the party like jobs for family members in the CPM-controlled cooperative banks and institutions, party organs and channels and amusement parks and their director boards, there will not be much of a desertion by leaders. But the cadre who are unhappy could become passive or come out of the party,” said Prabhakaran, a former CPM local committee member and CPM rebel who lost the elections to the Ottappalam municipality this time while six other rebels won.“Achuthanandan will not come out of the party. The CPM leadership knows that once he comes out, there will be no masses in the party but only the Kannur lobby. The CPM now has a corporate chief executive and employees and not a leader and cadre,” said Prabhakaran.
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