New Delhi: Claiming that he has done no wrong, a defiant Natwar Singh, indicted by the Pathak Inquiry Authority, on Monday said he 'would fight it out' and vowed not to allow Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to speak in Parliament because he was being stalled.
"Natwar will never become weak. I have never committed any wrong. I will fight inside and outside Parliament," Singh told reporters outside his residence hours after the Pathak report, which probed the Iraqi oil scam, was tabled in Parliament.
"Congress party is not letting me speak in Parliament. We will not let Manmohan Singh speak. I will not surrender. My struggle will continue," he said after a meeting with BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, Samajwadi Party General Secretary Amar Singh and JD(U)'s Digvijay Singh.
Alleging that he had become the victim of a 'very big international conspiracy', Singh claimed the Pathak Inquiry Authority has 'sacrificed' him and his son Jagat.
Natwar has, however, said his motion of privilege in the Rajya Sabha over the leak of the Pathak Inquiry Authority was not targeted at
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh personally.
Indicating that his ire was only against 'someone' in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), he said he had nothing personally against Dr Singh. He, however, did not say who exactly was the person in the PMO.
"I have nothing against Dr Manmohan Singh. My complaint is against the PMO, as an institution. There is no issue with the Prime Minister," he said after Parliament was adjourned over the leak of the report, which was placed before the Houses officially, earlier in the day.
When his attention was drawn that the PMO had already clarified that the report was not leaked out from the South Block, he said, "Then it is fine."
Singh said he was not bothered about what the Congress party would decide on his serving a privilege notice against the Prime Minister. "They cannot hang me in the air," he quipped.
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