Indian Army Recruitment 2018 application process to fill 191 vacancies for the Short Service Commission (SSC) for unmarried Male, Female and Widows of Defence Personnel for Technical and Non Technical departments in all Arms/Services has begun on the official website of Indian Army - joinindianarmy.nic.in.
The candidates from Engineering stream are applicable for the above posts. Candidates can apply only for one stream at a time. Interested candidates must apply for the post on or before 9th August 2018 by following the instructions given below:
How to apply for Indian Army Limited Recruitment 2018?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - https://joinindianarmy.nic.in
Step 2 – Click on the Officers Entry ‘Apply/ Login’ on the home page
Step 3 – Register yourself first, enter the details and Submit the form
Step 4 – Login with required credentials
Step 5 – Fill the application form and Submit
Step 6 –Download the application form and take a print out for future reference
Direct Link for Registration - https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/alpha/registration.htm
Direct Link for Login - https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/alpha/login.htm
Indian Army Recruitment 2018 - Vacancy Details:
Total Posts: 191
Male - 175
Female - 14
Widows of Defence Personnel - 2
Eligibility Criteria:
SSC (Male and Female) - The applicants must possess Engineering Degree or should be in final year of Engineering.
SSC (Widows of Defence Personnel) (Non Tech/ Non UPSC) - The applicants must possess Graduate Degree in any discipline.
SSC (Widows of Defence Personnel) (Tech) - The applicants must be BE/ BTech in any Engineering stream.
Applicants are advised to visit the official website and download advertisement to ascertain their eligibility and understand the pay matrix:https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/alpha/writereaddata/Portal/NotificationPDF/SSCW_TECH_23_APR_2019_COURSE.pdf
Age Limit:
Male - Applicants must fall in the age bracket of 20 to 27 years as on 1st April 2019
Female - Applicants must fall in the age bracket of 20 to 27 years as on 1st April 2019
Widows of Defence Personnel - The age of the applicant should not be more than 35 years as on 1st April 2019.
Selection Process:
The shortlisted candidates will be selected on the basis of Cut off percentage of marks in Engineering stream and Interview.
List of Selection Centers:
Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Bangalore (Karnataka)
Kapurthala (Punjab)
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