TUMKUR: In a bid to disprove BJP’s allegations that the UPA government at the Centre is discriminating against non-Congress governments, AICC president Sonia Gandhi on Saturday said that Karnataka had received a whopping Rs 98,000 crore Central assistance in the last seven years.“This is double the amount Karnataka received during the NDA regime, which used to make Congress CMs beg for Central assistance,” Sonia said at the state Congress delegates’ meeting held here on Saturday.She also charged the BJP government of treating the Central funds as its own and misleading people. “State Congress unit must explain to the people as to how much Karnataka has benefited from the UPA government and about its flagship programmes like Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee scheme and mid-day meal programmes,” she said.She also called upon the state Congress leaders to sustain its fight against the state government so that people will trust the Congress and vote it to power.Stating that the Right to Education Act would ensure all children get educated, Sonia said that the UPA government would table the Food Security Bill soon in Parliament.Earlier, addressing the meeting, KPCC president G Parameshwar accused the state government of doing nothing to tackle drought and of involved in a fight for leadership. He also requested Sonia to ensure more funds to the state to take up drought relief works. In reply, Sonia said: “The UPA will do its best to help Karnataka. But it is the state government which should take the larger responsibility. It is important that the funds released are utilised properly.”
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