Myanmar army parades in new capital
Myanmar army parades in new capital
The ceremony was held in the new capital of Naypyidaw for the second time, after years of being observed in Yangon.

New Delhi: Myanmar's secretive military rulers have unveiled the country's new capital – Naypyidaw.

The capital was shifted from coastal Yangon almost overnight in 2005.

The government says the site will work better as a national capital due to its proximity to Mandalay, but analysts are unsure about the reasons behind the move.

Myanmar has invited foreign journalists to watch the country's Armed forces day parade in the new capital.

It was the second time the ceremony was held in the country's new capital of Naypyidaw, after years of being observed in a park in the former capital, Yangon.

The head of Myanmar's ruling junta, Gen Than Shwe, made a rare public appearance on Tuesday at the Armed forces ceremony.

He warned that the nation still faces danger from ''powerful countries'' that are trying to undermine its unity and weaken the military.

Countries such as the United States and Britain have denounced the junta for its poor human rights record and for refusing to hand over power to Suu Kyi's party after it won a landslide election victory in 1990.

The ruling junta frequently warns that the pro-democracy movement of detained Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is seeking to destabilise Myanmar with the backing of Western nations.

(With inputs from AP)

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