If we ourselves find things we say so difficult to practice or believe how can we ever "advice" someone? Which we all know one day we will... not essentially coz we would want to but coz we will have to... Coz like it or not...we will all be grown ups - grown ups the way the world sees us... Am I really yet... I don't know? I wonder... when would I know...Iam not sure... would I know ever... Not sure about that too!
Is being grown up really about being mature... When I look at the "grown ups" around me... I wonder are they the one who define maturity? Who calls the shots? Them- themselves or the spectators... If them then that I think is Utopian... But I think their spectators, is more like it... What am I? A mere spectator... What is my opinion? A mere opinion? But in my opinion... I only wonder... Is Maturity just a matter of perception or actually rare!
We might actually be able to pass the grown up test - some day... But what happens to the journey of getting there... is that tougher or cracking the maturity test?
I have seen people grow...I have also seen people mature and NOT necessarily grow...I have seen them mostly deal with life, often crumble and at times even give up... Thumbs up to those who deal with it and get there... But what about the others... why must they go through what they are going through?
In my own personal guidebook... there are two ways of growing up...
1) Where you just do...
2) Where you struggle...
For those who do... What do they do...or what do they do right?
For those who struggle...what do they do? They talk... Talk to family, talk to friends and then talk to themselves... and mostly do just that...
What about the famous saying..." you should unleash the child in you sometimes" why should it be sometimes... not often...why can't it be lets be "grown up" sometimes? What's wrong with that... why is it uncool to be a child...laugh when we want to...and cry when we want... why settle for just talking... Why can't we demand what we want from life... throw a fit... cry our hearts out and piss the fuck out of everyone till we get it! Do you think its just being well mannered or do you think its got something to do with not having the grown ups around to get it for us... coz well... we are the grown ups now...
I hate it... I hate being well mannered or grown up for that matter!first published:July 27, 2006, 12:21 ISTlast updated:July 27, 2006, 12:21 IST
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They say... once bitten, twice shy... I too. Don't want to make the same mistakes... but then its only when you can't bear it anymore that you sit back and question... is it really worth it...what is life without a bit of spice... how bad is it to experiment. Want to try and quit? How possible is it? ... Why does it hurt to see a pattern emerge...? Why is it that what we think and what we understand is so different?
If we ourselves find things we say so difficult to practice or believe how can we ever "advice" someone? Which we all know one day we will... not essentially coz we would want to but coz we will have to... Coz like it or not...we will all be grown ups - grown ups the way the world sees us... Am I really yet... I don't know? I wonder... when would I know...Iam not sure... would I know ever... Not sure about that too!
Is being grown up really about being mature... When I look at the "grown ups" around me... I wonder are they the one who define maturity? Who calls the shots? Them- themselves or the spectators... If them then that I think is Utopian... But I think their spectators, is more like it... What am I? A mere spectator... What is my opinion? A mere opinion? But in my opinion... I only wonder... Is Maturity just a matter of perception or actually rare!
We might actually be able to pass the grown up test - some day... But what happens to the journey of getting there... is that tougher or cracking the maturity test?
I have seen people grow...I have also seen people mature and NOT necessarily grow...I have seen them mostly deal with life, often crumble and at times even give up... Thumbs up to those who deal with it and get there... But what about the others... why must they go through what they are going through?
In my own personal guidebook... there are two ways of growing up...
1) Where you just do...
2) Where you struggle...
For those who do... What do they do...or what do they do right?
For those who struggle...what do they do? They talk... Talk to family, talk to friends and then talk to themselves... and mostly do just that...
What about the famous saying..." you should unleash the child in you sometimes" why should it be sometimes... not often...why can't it be lets be "grown up" sometimes? What's wrong with that... why is it uncool to be a child...laugh when we want to...and cry when we want... why settle for just talking... Why can't we demand what we want from life... throw a fit... cry our hearts out and piss the fuck out of everyone till we get it! Do you think its just being well mannered or do you think its got something to do with not having the grown ups around to get it for us... coz well... we are the grown ups now...
I hate it... I hate being well mannered or grown up for that matter!
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