Uber taxi services introduces 5 new checks in a bid to get the ban lifted
Uber taxi services introduces 5 new checks in a bid to get the ban lifted
Re-verifying all Uber Delhi driver-partners have an authentic and valid police verification.

Uber taxi services has been banned in Delhi after one of its drivers was arrested for allegedly raping a woman passenger. In a bid to remove the ban, Uber has come up with an 'India specific security narrative'.

It includes all the new safety initiatives that Uber is introducing. Following is Uber's blog post on the new safety policies and online petition started by Uber.

We appreciate your patience and support over these last few weeks. It's been a difficult time for all involved, including the rider and driver communities in Delhi but we're committed to bringing Uber back stronger and better in order to provide you with the safe, reliable and convenient transportation option that you deserve.

The safety of our riders and drivers is the highest priority for us; not only for the rides we enable in New Delhi and across India, but also for the 1+ million trips we are facilitating around the world everyday.

To that end, we've been working around the clock to make Uber in India even safer and we wanted to take this opportunity to clarify how Uber works and to update you on our progress.

What we've always had:

Built in transparency (access to driver and vehicle information and real-time GPS tracking through 'Share my ETA' feature) that promotes accountability

Partnering exclusively with commercially licensed and insured driver-partners who are required to be police verified as part of the licensing process by state transport authorities and are eligible to provide transportation for a fee

Mandatory rating system that maintains high quality drivers on the system

Hassle-free payments means not having to worry about carrying any cash.

What we are introducing:

Police Verification: Re-verifying all Uber Delhi driver-partners have an authentic and valid police verification.

Document Verification: A local team of specially-trained safety experts to detect fraud, verify and authenticate driver / vehicle documents and test the validity of our screening.

Background Checks: Going above and beyond required government verification, we're engaging local and global experts to evaluate the most effective background screening solution across India; pilot programs are already running in select cities, including Delhi.

Incident Response Team: A local and dedicated customer support center that will specialise on resolving critical issues for our rider and driver community in India.

In-App Safety Features: An enhanced ShareMyETA button is the first of a whole set of new integrated Uber safety features coming to India. ShareMyETA allows you to send your complete trip details (including live GPS tracking, driver photo, name and vehicle license no.) to your loved ones.

We are fully committed to making Uber the safest way to get around India and everyone at Uber, from San Francisco to Delhi, is working hard to show that commitment. Features such as the Enhanced ShareMyETA and safety specialist teams like Incident Response Team are being rolled out first in India. We are working on many more technology enhancements and partnerships and continue to innovate and focus on safety.

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