According to research, nearly 60% of the Indian population has suffered from lower back pain at some point in their life. The World Health Organisation has said that lower back pain is one of the most common causes of disability in the world. Some injuries and health conditions including arthritis and spondylitis may cause lower back but in most cases, the exact cause of this pain remains unknown.
Poor posture, inadequate back support and a sedentary lifestyle are considered some of the risk factors for this pain. It may also have psychological causes including dissatisfaction with a job or boredom.
While only proper treatment can relieve back pain caused due to physical conditions, if your pain is due to lifestyle reasons, you can easily find some relief with yoga - the traditional workout that suits almost everyone.
Here are five yoga poses that can reduce the pain in your lower back. If you are a beginner, make sure to talk to an experienced practitioner before starting these exercises.1. Bitilasana (Cow pose)
- Get down on all fours.
- Your arms should be straight (perpendicular to the floor) and your palms and elbows should be in line with your shoulders. Your hips should be right above your knees. Gaze straight at the floor.
- Now inhale and push your back towards the ground while at the same time pushing your chest towards the roof. Gaze towards the ceiling.
- Try to hold this position for about 15-20 seconds, then with an exhale, come back to the starting position.
- Repeat the pose at least 5 times.
2. Balasana (Child’s pose)
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)
4. Marjaryasana (Cat pose)
5. Ardha matsyendrasana (Half lord of fishes pose)
For more information, read our article on Yoga and yoga asanas. Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.Follow @News18Lifestyle for more
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