Keep Distance From 3Cs, If Suffering From Constipation
Keep Distance From 3Cs, If Suffering From Constipation
While we know how to prevent constipation, it is very important to know what food items one should avoid, in case they are suffering from this stomach issue.

Along with heatwaves and scorching heat, summer also brings in constipation caused by dehydration. The soaring temperature can drain the water away from your body, further making the stools hard and difficult to pass. And this time around, due to the pandemic and our restricted movements, the problem of constipation is likely to become more chronic these days. It is advised that one should drink water and other liquids, such as fruit and vegetable juices along with soups, to help the fiber work better.

While we know how to prevent constipation, it is very important to know what food items one should avoid, in case they are suffering from this stomach issue. It goes without saying foods with little or no fibre should be avoided. Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar advises her followers to maintain distance from three Cs, if they are constipated.


Bhavsar explains that though cumin is good for digestion, at the same time it is also dry and absorbent in nature which will worsen constipation. She said that cumin increases pitta, which means it improves digestion, but it is also rooksha (drying in nature) and grahi – the one which absorbs. So the expert said while its wonderful for appetite, diarhhoea, IBS but not for constipation.


Curd is heavy to digest and absorbent in nature, hence one should avoid it if they are having constipation. “Curd is ruchya (improves taste), ushna (hot in nature) and vatajit (balances vata) but it also is guru (heavy to digest) and grahi (absorbent in nature just like cumin) which makes it incompatible for constipation,” the Ayurveda expert said.


If you are among those who boast about staying loyal to caffeine despite the soaring temperature, we have to tell you that it might land you in trouble. Consumption of coffee can cause dehydration and worsen your constipation. Bhavsar said many believe that caffeine stimulates the muscles in the digestive system and cause easy bowel movement, but its not true. As caffeine can cause dehydration, it will give the opposite effect and lead to constipation. “So, if you’re constipated, avoid it or choose decaf,” she suggested.

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