Manav Kaul on Learning Sign Language and Creating the Right Mood in Ajeeb Daastaans
Manav Kaul on Learning Sign Language and Creating the Right Mood in Ajeeb Daastaans
Manav Kaul features in the segment titled Ankahi in Ajeeb Daastaans. He opens up about how he liked the concept in the very first narration.

Thanks to excellent performances in films like Wazir, Jolly LLB 2 and Tumhari Sulu, Manav Kaul has become a favourite with filmmakers looking for actors good at playing layered characters. He recently featured in Ankahi, one of the four stories in Ajeeb Daastaans.

Manav opened up about how he liked the concept in the very first narration. He said, “I was scared because I really liked the story but I was apprehensive whether Kayoze (Irani, director) called me by mistake! I thought he would call again and say that I dialed your number by mistake.”

Manav had to learn the sign language for his part. “I don’t think I pick up languages quite easily especially when people I interact with are not in front of me. I was worried but then we got a really fantastic teacher.”

He elaborated about his role and said, “We always think that we are very clever and we can easily get out of any situation but it doesn’t happen like that in real life. How so ever hard you try, it is always going to affect you. None of us were living a lie during the shoot and Kayoze came and told me that Shefali (Shah) is in a bad mood. I thought I can anytime go and ask her about the reason behind her bad mood. She talked properly to me but it wasn’t like the other days. I realised the pain when I shot for the last scene.”

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