CHENNAI: To study the nutritional status of undocumented children and to actively involve corporates in fighting malnutrition, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) launched Swasthya: Health Card Project’s pilot nutrition assessment across orphanages in the city on Tuesday. The project, an initiative by the Young Indians of CII, has initially prepared health cards for 160 orphans in four orphanages of the Kaakkum Karangal Children’s Home.Dr Vinod Prem Anand, chair (health care) Young Indians, who is leading the project with a medical team, and Dr Arun told City Express that the orphans had been targeted by the project since they were undocumented and not covered by State schemes.The health care status of the children is first assessed. “We look at height, weight, body mass index and collect anthropometric measurements. Once the data is stored, we will do a routine check on the nutritional status of the child,” said Dr Vinod.He said the study had found that approximately 90 per cent of the children were anaemic and an equal number lacked oral hygiene. Forty per cent were below the required height and about 50 per cent were underweight.The study also revealed that most of the children hadn’t been immunised.Dr Vinod said the next step would be to involve corporate companies and hospitals as stakeholders in fighting malnutrition. “We are looking at tie-ups with food providers,” he said. “In the next three months we are targeting more than 1,000 children and the Young Indians will submit a report and recommendations to the State government.”
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